Sunday, June 5, 2011


It is kind of rainy here in Sacramento, and I have been loving this Spring/Summer rainy weather. There is something about unpredictable weather that makes me feel like a kid again, ready for what the weather is going to surprise me with next. And I cant help but reflect with the changing weather, and the changing season about how much I have changed this winter season. A while back I was just generally in a bad place within myself. I was upset about a lot of things that I really didn't know how to make peace with. With this change of season I have refocused my every day thoughts, it is still hard work but is getting easier by the day. I pay attention to the negative thoughts and judgements and ask myself how they are serving me? Usually...they aren't serving me very well. And so, I let them go, in peace. Mostly the tough negative thoughts that come up are the judgements I have for myself (we all have them, ladies especially I think). I cant help but notice in the 21st century, that we have bought into the thought process that if you love yourself it is somehow incorrect, or you will just be waiting for someone to come along and prove you wrong. (At least this is the consensus between my closest friends and I). And so, I have made a change. I practice every day...letting go of judgement and letting it go in peace. They NEVER serve me well, so why keep them around? I have noticed that I only judge others when I am judging myself 10X more harshly. And when I cant help but judge myself, I make sure I don't judge others and somehow the judgement I have for myself doesn't come around so much, and if it does, it is much less intense. I am in more control of it, rather than it being in control of me!
And so, if you have noticed, I will not make negative posts about someone or their fashion choices. "Why?" you ask? Because deep down I know that I am just doing my best every day. And I'm sure you are too! 
And with that in mind, I will leave you with a quote filled with wisdom: "We are all bozos on the same bus, so we might as well sit back and enjoy the ride." -Wavy Gravy (Clown/Activist)
Happy Sunday, I hope you get to include a little Shenanigan like behavior in your repertoire! And allow your judgements to fade away in peace...

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